Setting the Font, Title, Legend Entries, and Axis Titles in Julia
How to set the global font, title, legend-entries, and axis-titles in Julia.
Automatic Labelling
When using the plot
method with a DataFrame, your axes and legend are automatically labelled, and it's easy to override the automation for a customized figure using the labels
keyword argument. The title of your figure is up to you though!
Here's a figure with automatic labels and then the same figure with overridden labels.
using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames
df = dataset(DataFrame, "iris")
df, x=:sepal_length, y=:sepal_width, color=:species,
kind="scatter", mode="markers",
title="Automatic Labels Based on Data Frame Column Names"
using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames
df = dataset(DataFrame, "iris")
df, x=:sepal_length, y=:sepal_width, color=:species,
kind="scatter", mode="markers",
:sepal_length => "Sepal Length (cm)",
:sepal_width => "Sepal Width (cm)",
:species => "Species"
Layout(title="Automatic Labels Based on Data Frame Column Names",)
Global and Local Font Specification
You can set the figure-wide font with the layout.font
attribute, which will apply to all titles and tick labels, but this can be overridden for specific plot items like individual axes and legend titles etc. In the following figure, we set the figure-wide font to Courier New in blue, and then override this for certain parts of the figure.
using PlotlyJS, CSV, DataFrames
df = dataset(DataFrame, "iris")
df, x=:sepal_length, y=:sepal_width, color=:species,
kind="scatter", mode="markers",
font_family="Courier New",
text="Playing with Fonts",
font_family="Times New Roman",
Manual Labelling
using PlotlyJS
trace1 = scatter(
x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
y=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
name="Name of Trace 1" # this sets its legend entry
trace2 = scatter(
x=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
y=[1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8],
name="Name of Trace 2"
layout = Layout(
title="Plot Title",
xaxis_title="X Axis Title",
yaxis_title="Y Axis Title",
legend_title="Legend Title",
family="Courier New, monospace",
plot([trace1, trace2], layout)
The configuration of the legend is discussed in detail in the Legends page.
Align Plot Title
The following example shows how to align the plot title in layout.title. x
sets the x position with respect to xref
from "0" (left) to "1" (right), and y
sets the y position with respect to yref
from "0" (bottom) to "1" (top). Moreover, you can define xanchor
to left
, or center
for setting the title's horizontal alignment with respect to its x position, and/or yanchor
to top
, bottom
, or middle
for setting the title's vertical alignment with respect to its y position.
using PlotlyJS
trace= scatter(
y=[3, 1, 4],
x=["Mon", "Tue", "Wed"]
layout = Layout(
text= "Plot Title",
xanchor= "center",
yanchor= "top"
plot(trace, layout)
See for more information!