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Cimar's interactive graph and data of "Percentage of Bachelor's Degrees Conferred to Women" is a line chart, showing Health Professions, Public Administration, Education, Psychology, Foreign Languages, English, Communications & Journalism, Art & Performance, Biology, Agriculture, Social Sciences and History, Business, Math & Statistics, Architecture, Physical Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering; with Data: Randal Olson in the x-axis. The x-axis shows values from 1968 to 2025. The y-axis shows values from 0 to 90. This visualization has the following annotations: Health Professions; Public Administration; Education; Psychology; Foreign Languages; English; Comm. & Journalism; Art & Performance; Biology; Agriculture; Social Sci. & History; Business; Math & Statistics; Architecture; Physical Sciences; Computer Science; Engineering; Percentage of Bachelor's degrees conferred to women in the U.S.A., by major (1970-2012); Data source: nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/2013menu_tables.asp Author: Randy Olson (randalolson.com / @randal_olson) Note: Some majors are missing because the historical data is not available for them