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Jduda's interactive graph and data of "Frequency of Financial Crises" is a line chart, showing Number of crises in that year; with in the x-axis and Number of crises in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 1940.6426682096214 to 2014.3573317903786. The y-axis shows values from -0.14285714285714288 to 2.142857142857143. This visualization has the following annotations: Post Bretton Woods period.30 crises in 39 years.; average of .769/year ; Bretton Woods Period:10 crises in 27 years;average of .37/year; Source: Reinhart, Camen M. and Kenneth S. Rogoff, “From Financial Crash to Debt Crisis,” NBER Working Paper 15795, March 2010;Reinhart, Carmen M. ,“This Time is Different Chartbook: Country Histories on Debt, Default, and Financial Crises,” NBER Working Paper 15815, March 2010.