# Get this figure: fig <- get_figure("jmareane", 225) # Get this figure's data: data <- get_figure("jmareane", 225)$data # Add data to this figure: p <- add_trace(p, x=c(4, 5), y=c(4, 5), kwargs=list(filename="politifact blog", fileopt="extend")) # Get x data of first trace: x1 <- get_figure("jmareane", 225)$data[[1]]$x # Get figure documentation: https://plotly.com/r/get-requests/ # Add data documentation: https://plotly.com/r/file-options/ # You can reproduce this figure in R with the following code! # Learn about API authentication here: https://plotly.com/r/getting-started # Find your api_key here: https://plotly.com/settings/api library(plotly) trace1 <- list( x = c("Candidate", "Jeb Bush", "Ben Carson", "Chris Christie", "Ted Cruz", "Mike Huckabee", "John Kasich", "Rand Paul", "Marco Rubio", "Donald Trump", "Scott Walker", "Hilary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Joe Biden"), uid = "002f3f", name = "Pants on fire", type = "bar", xsrc = "jmareane:226:b7e784", ysrc = "jmareane:226:7762b6", marker = list( line = list( color = "white", width = 6 ), color = "rgb(0, 67, 88)" ), error_x = list(copy_ystyle = TRUE), error_y = list( color = "rgb(0, 67, 88)", width = 1, thickness = 1 ), opacity = 0.75, visible = TRUE ) trace2 <- list( x = c("Candidate", "Jeb Bush", "Ben Carson", "Chris Christie", "Ted Cruz", "Mike Huckabee", "John Kasich", "Rand Paul", "Marco Rubio", "Donald Trump", "Scott Walker", "Hilary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Joe Biden"), y = c("False %", "4", "67", "15", "32", "12", "12", "20", "15", "50", "26", "10", "17", "12"), uid = "7d1243", name = "False", type = "bar", xsrc = "jmareane:226:b7e784", ysrc = "jmareane:226:982a3d", marker = list( line = list( color = "white", width = 6 ), color = "rgb(31, 138, 112)" ), error_x = list(copy_ystyle = TRUE), error_y = list( color = "rgb(31, 138, 112)", width = 1, thickness = 1 ), opacity = 0.75, visible = TRUE ) trace3 <- list( x = c("Candidate", "Jeb Bush", "Ben Carson", "Chris Christie", "Ted Cruz", "Mike Huckabee", "John Kasich", "Rand Paul", "Marco Rubio", "Donald Trump", "Scott Walker", "Hilary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Joe Biden"), y = c("Mostly False %", "26", "33", "9", "30", "26", "14", "10", "22", "13", "16", "17", "8", "14"), uid = "d0c49e", name = "Mostly False", type = "bar", xsrc = "jmareane:226:b7e784", ysrc = "jmareane:226:24505c", marker = list( line = list( color = "white", width = 6 ), color = "rgb(190, 219, 57)" ), error_x = list(copy_ystyle = TRUE), error_y = list( color = "rgb(190, 219, 57)", width = 1, thickness = 1 ), opacity = 0.75, visible = TRUE ) trace4 <- list( x = c("Candidate", "Jeb Bush", "Ben Carson", "Chris Christie", "Ted Cruz", "Mike Huckabee", "John Kasich", "Rand Paul", "Marco Rubio", "Donald Trump", "Scott Walker", "Hilary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Joe Biden"), y = c("Half True %", "17", "0", "27", "14", "21", "18", "22", "21", "9", "18", "20", "21", "29"), uid = "0daa7b", name = "Half True", type = "bar", xsrc = "jmareane:226:b7e784", ysrc = "jmareane:226:3891f0", marker = list( line = list( color = "white", width = 6 ), color = "rgb(255, 225, 26)" ), error_x = list(copy_ystyle = TRUE), error_y = list( color = "rgb(255, 225, 26)", width = 1, thickness = 1 ), opacity = 0.75 ) trace5 <- list( x = c("Candidate", "Jeb Bush", "Ben Carson", "Chris Christie", "Ted Cruz", "Mike Huckabee", "John Kasich", "Rand Paul", "Marco Rubio", "Donald Trump", "Scott Walker", "Hilary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Joe Biden"), y = c("Mostly True %", "28", "0", "20", "14", "9", "22", "20", "24", "6", "22", "19", "33", "20"), uid = "002f9e", name = "Mostly True", type = "bar", xsrc = "jmareane:226:b7e784", ysrc = "jmareane:226:7becbc", marker = list( line = list( color = "white", width = 6 ), color = "rgb(253, 116, 0)" ), error_x = list(copy_ystyle = TRUE), error_y = list( color = "rgb(253, 116, 0)", width = 1, thickness = 1 ), opacity = 0.75, visible = TRUE ) trace6 <- list( x = c("Candidate", "Jeb Bush", "Ben Carson", "Chris Christie", "Ted Cruz", "Mike Huckabee", "John Kasich", "Rand Paul", "Marco Rubio", "Donald Trump", "Scott Walker", "Hilary Clinton", "Bernie Sanders", "Joe Biden"), y = c("True %", "23", "0", "22", "2", "21", "29", "24", "17", "0", "11", "32", "21", "19"), uid = "d05738", name = "True.", type = "bar", xsrc = "jmareane:226:b7e784", ysrc = "jmareane:226:92aa7c", marker = list( line = list( color = "white", width = 6 ), color = "rgb(166, 28, 0)" ), error_x = list(copy_ystyle = TRUE), error_y = list( color = "rgb(166, 28, 0)", width = 1, thickness = 1 ), opacity = 0.75 ) data <- list(trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4, trace5, trace6) layout <- list( font = list( size = 10, color = "rgb(105, 100, 124)", family = "\"Droid Sans\", sans-serif" ), width = 869, xaxis = list( type = "category", range = c(0.5, 20.5), ticks = "inside", title = "", mirror = "allticks", nticks = 22, ticklen = 8, showgrid = FALSE, showline = TRUE, tickfont = list( size = 10, color = "black", family = "\"Verdana\", monospace" ), zeroline = FALSE, autorange = TRUE, gridcolor = "white", gridwidth = 1, linecolor = "rgb(34,34,34)", linewidth = 1, tickangle = -90, tickcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", titlefont = list( size = 12, color = "black", family = "\"Verdana\", monospace" ), showexponent = "last", zerolinewidth = 1, showticklabels = TRUE ), yaxis = list( type = "linear", range = c(0, 106.3157894736842), ticks = "inside", title = "Proportion of Responses", mirror = "allticks", nticks = 5, ticklen = 6, showgrid = FALSE, showline = TRUE, tickfont = list( size = 10, color = "black", family = "\"Verdana\", monospace" ), zeroline = FALSE, autorange = TRUE, gridcolor = "white", gridwidth = 1, linecolor = "rgb(34,34,34)", linewidth = 1, tickangle = -90, tickcolor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", titlefont = list( size = 12, color = "black", family = "\"Verdana\", monospace" ), zerolinewidth = 1, showticklabels = TRUE ), bargap = 0.1, height = 419, legend = list( x = 1.0497131931166348, y = 0.7824267782426779, font = list( size = 12, color = "rgb(105, 100, 124)", family = "Arial, sans-serif" ), xref = "paper", yref = "paper", bgcolor = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", xanchor = "center", yanchor = "top", traceorder = "reversed", bordercolor = "rgb(207, 206, 202)", borderwidth = 0 ), barmode = "stack", autosize = TRUE, titlefont = list( size = 11, color = "rgb(88, 74, 77)", family = "\"Courier New\", monospace" ), showlegend = TRUE, bargroupgap = 0.02, plot_bgcolor = "white", paper_bgcolor = "white" ) p <- plot_ly() p <- add_trace(p, x=trace1$x, uid=trace1$uid, name=trace1$name, type=trace1$type, xsrc=trace1$xsrc, ysrc=trace1$ysrc, marker=trace1$marker, error_x=trace1$error_x, error_y=trace1$error_y, opacity=trace1$opacity, visible=trace1$visible) p <- add_trace(p, x=trace2$x, y=trace2$y, uid=trace2$uid, name=trace2$name, type=trace2$type, xsrc=trace2$xsrc, ysrc=trace2$ysrc, marker=trace2$marker, error_x=trace2$error_x, error_y=trace2$error_y, opacity=trace2$opacity, visible=trace2$visible) p <- add_trace(p, x=trace3$x, y=trace3$y, uid=trace3$uid, name=trace3$name, type=trace3$type, xsrc=trace3$xsrc, ysrc=trace3$ysrc, marker=trace3$marker, error_x=trace3$error_x, error_y=trace3$error_y, opacity=trace3$opacity, visible=trace3$visible) p <- add_trace(p, x=trace4$x, y=trace4$y, uid=trace4$uid, name=trace4$name, type=trace4$type, xsrc=trace4$xsrc, ysrc=trace4$ysrc, marker=trace4$marker, error_x=trace4$error_x, error_y=trace4$error_y, opacity=trace4$opacity) p <- add_trace(p, x=trace5$x, y=trace5$y, uid=trace5$uid, name=trace5$name, type=trace5$type, xsrc=trace5$xsrc, ysrc=trace5$ysrc, marker=trace5$marker, error_x=trace5$error_x, error_y=trace5$error_y, opacity=trace5$opacity, visible=trace5$visible) p <- add_trace(p, x=trace6$x, y=trace6$y, uid=trace6$uid, name=trace6$name, type=trace6$type, xsrc=trace6$xsrc, ysrc=trace6$ysrc, marker=trace6$marker, error_x=trace6$error_x, error_y=trace6$error_y, opacity=trace6$opacity) p <- layout(p, font=layout$font, width=layout$width, xaxis=layout$xaxis, yaxis=layout$yaxis, bargap=layout$bargap, height=layout$height, legend=layout$legend, barmode=layout$barmode, autosize=layout$autosize, titlefont=layout$titlefont, showlegend=layout$showlegend, bargroupgap=layout$bargroupgap, plot_bgcolor=layout$plot_bgcolor, paper_bgcolor=layout$paper_bgcolor)