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Nlaurent's interactive graph and data of "Tags used during #blogjune" is a scatter chart, showing #blogjune, A real bad egg, The next Find & Connect?, Emotional labour in the archives, Happy 100th Clanicle!, “The Stolen Generations never stopped”, Happy International Archives Day, Federal Election 2016, Stacks of stats (about Find & Connect web resource), Promoting the Principles, Family Storytelling, Our side of the story, The South Australian Apology – eight years on…, Constant reminders, Ripple Effect, Service Records as a piece of the puzzle, ‘Your mum wrote every week’, ‘Let me tell you’: Designing personal digital archives..., Broken links – so much more than frustration, Civil Litigation, Last day!; with Tags in the x-axis and Number of times tag used in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from -2.2828673408685187 to 27.2828673408685. The y-axis shows values from -0.26373626373625747 to 22.26373626373624.