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Riddhiman's interactive graph and data of "Trace 0, y, Trace 1, y, Trace 2, y, Trace 3, y, Trace 4, y, Trace 5, y, Trace 6, y" is a line chart, showing Trace 0, y, Trace 1, y, Trace 2, y, Trace 3, y, Trace 4, y, Trace 5, y, Trace 6, y. The x-axis shows values from 1990 to 2015. The y-axis shows values from -0.05044903622937577 to 3.944553185992846. This visualization has the following annotations: Keeping the pressure upWorldwide, (in millions); Source: UNAIDS; New HIV Infections(per year); AIDS related deaths (per year); People receving Anti-Retroviral Therapy (total); Inspired by The economistMade using Plotly's R APIEdited in Plotly2.0; Lower bound; Higher bound; Estimate