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Tbenyaliion's interactive graph and data of "18350 test - Aspire 1100mAh v Efest 700mAh" is a line chart, showing Aspire-18350-0.5A-Voltage, Aspire-18350-5A-Voltage, Aspire-18350-10A-Voltage, efest-18350-0.5A-Voltage, efest-18350-5A-Voltage, Aspire-18350-0.5A-Temp (C), Aspire-18350-5A-Temp (C), Aspire-18350-10A-Temp (C), efest-18350-0.5A-Temp (C), efest-18350-5A-Temp (C); with Amp-Hrs in the x-axis and Volts in the y-axis.. The x-axis shows values from 0 to 1.161498. The y-axis shows values from 2.4021666666666666 to 4.278833333333333.