Aggregations in JavaScript

How to use D3.js-based Aggregates in Plotly.js.

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Note: transforms are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Plotly.js

var subject = ['Moe','Larry','Curly','Moe','Larry','Curly','Moe','Larry','Curly','Moe','Larry','Curly']
var score = [1,6,2,8,2,9,4,5,1,5,2,8]

var data = [{
  type: 'scatter',
  x: subject,
  y: score,
  mode: 'markers',
  transforms: [{
    type: 'aggregate',
    groups: subject,
    aggregations: [
      {target: 'y', func: 'avg', enabled: true},

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data)

var subject = ['Moe','Larry','Curly','Moe','Larry','Curly','Moe','Larry','Curly','Moe','Larry','Curly']
var score = [1,6,2,8,2,9,4,5,1,5,2,8]

var data = [{
  type: 'scatter',
  x: subject,
  y: score,
  mode: 'markers',
  transforms: [{
    type: 'aggregate',
    groups: subject,
    aggregations: [
      {target: 'y', func: 'avg', enabled: true},
layout = {
  title: '<b>Plotly Aggregations</b><br>use dropdown to change aggregation',
  xaxis: {title: 'Subject'},
  yaxis: {title: 'Score', range: [0,22]},
  height: 600,
  width: 900,
  updatemenus: [{
        x: 0.85,
        y: 1.15,
        xref: 'paper',
        yref: 'paper',
        yanchor: 'top',
        active: 0,
        showactive: false,
        buttons: [{
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'avg'],
            label: 'Avg'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'sum'],
            label: 'Sum'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'min'],
            label: 'Min'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'max'],
            label: 'Max'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'mode'],
            label: 'Mode'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'median'],
            label: 'Median'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'count'],
            label: 'Count'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'stddev'],
            label: 'Std.Dev'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'first'],
            label: 'First'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'last'],
            label: 'Last'

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout)
d3.csv("", function(err, rows){
      function unpack(rows, key) {
          return { return row[key]; });

trace1 = {
  x: unpack(rows, 'date'),
  autobinx: false,
  autobiny: true,
  marker: {color: 'rgb(68, 68, 68)'},
  name: 'date',
  type: 'histogram',
  xbins: {
    end: '2016-12-31 12:00',
    size: 'M1',
    start: '1983-12-31 12:00'

data = [trace1];

layout = {
  paper_bgcolor: 'rgb(240, 240, 240)',
  plot_bgcolor: 'rgb(240, 240, 240)',
  title: '',
  xaxis: {
    autorange: true,
    range: ['1984-07-01 06:00', '2016-07-30 18:00'],
    title: '',
    type: 'date'
  yaxis: {
    autorange: true,
    range: [0, 92.6315789474],
    title: 'Shootings incidents',
    type: 'linear'
  updatemenus: [{
        x: 0.1,
        y: 1.15,
        xref: 'paper',
        yref: 'paper',
        yanchor: 'top',
        active: 0,
        showactive: true,
        buttons: [{
            args: ['xbins.size', 'M1'],
            label: 'Month',
            method: 'restyle',
        }, {
            args: ['xbins.size', 'M3'],
            label: 'Quater',
            method: 'restyle',
        }, {
            args: ['xbins.size', 'M6'],
            label: 'Half Year',
            method: 'restyle',
        }, {
            args: ['xbins.size', 'M12'],
            label: 'Year',
            method: 'restyle',

Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);

d3.csv('', function(err, rows){
      function unpack(rows, key) {
          return { return row[key]; });

  var data = [{
        type: 'choropleth',
        locationmode: 'country names',
        locations: unpack(rows, 'Country'),
        z: unpack(rows, 'HappinessScore'),
        autocolorscale: false,
        reversescale: true,
        colorscale: 'Portland',
        transforms: [{
          type: 'aggregate',
          groups: unpack(rows, 'Country'),
          aggregations: [
            {target: 'z', func: 'avg', enabled: true},

    var layout = {
      title: '<b>World Happiness</b><br>2015 - 2017',
      geo: {
          showframe: false,
          showcoastlines: false,
             type: 'orthographic'
      updatemenus: [{
        x: 0.85,
        y: 1.15,
        xref: 'paper',
        yref: 'paper',
        yanchor: 'top',
        active: 0,
        showactive: true,
        buttons: [{
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'avg'],
            label: 'Avg'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'sum'],
            label: 'Sum'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'min'],
            label: 'Min'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'max'],
            label: 'Max'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'mode'],
            label: 'Mode'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'median'],
            label: 'Median'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'first'],
            label: 'First'
        }, {
            method: 'restyle',
            args: ['transforms[0].aggregations[0].func', 'last'],
            label: 'Last'

    Plotly.newPlot('myDiv', data, layout);
