Figure Factory Tables in Python
How to make tables in Python with Plotly's Figure Factory.
New to Plotly?
Plotly is a free and open-source graphing library for Python. We recommend you read our Getting Started guide for the latest installation or upgrade instructions, then move on to our Plotly Fundamentals tutorials or dive straight in to some Basic Charts tutorials.
Tables can be created using a table
trace type, or by using a figure factory as detailed in this page.
Simple Table¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
data_matrix = [['Country', 'Year', 'Population'],
['United States', 2000, 282200000],
['Canada', 2000, 27790000],
['United States', 2005, 295500000],
['Canada', 2005, 32310000],
['United States', 2010, 309000000],
['Canada', 2010, 34000000]]
fig = ff.create_table(data_matrix)
Add Links¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
data_matrix = [['User', 'Language', 'Chart Type', '# of Views'],
['<a href="">empet</a>',
'<a href="">Python</a>',
'<a href="">Network Graph</a>',
['<a href="">Grondo</a>',
'<a href="">Matlab</a>',
'<a href="">Subplots</a>',
['<a href="">Dreamshot</a>',
'<a href="">Web App</a>',
'<a href="">Bubble Map</a>',
['<a href="">FiveThirtyEight</a>',
'<a href="">Web App</a>',
'<a href="">Scatter</a>',
['<a href="">cpsievert</a>',
'<a href="">R</a>',
'<a href="">Surface</a>',
fig = ff.create_table(data_matrix)
Use LaTeX¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
data_matrix = [['Name', 'Equation'],
['Pythagorean Theorem', '$a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2}$'],
['Euler\'s Formula', '$F-E+V=2$'],
['The Origin of Complex Numbers', '$i^{2}=-1$'],
['Einstein\'s Theory of Relativity', '$E=m c^{2}$']]
fig = ff.create_table(data_matrix)
Use a Pandas Dataframe¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
df_sample = df[100:120]
fig = ff.create_table(df_sample)
Modify Row Height¶
The default row height is 30 pixels. Set height_constant if you'd like to change the height of each row.
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
data_matrix = [['Country', 'Year', 'Population'],
['United States', 2000, 282200000],
['Canada', 2000, 27790000],
['United States', 2005, 295500000],
['Canada', 2005, 32310000],
['United States', 2010, 309000000],
['Canada', 2010, 34000000]]
fig = ff.create_table(data_matrix, height_constant=20)
Custom Table Colors¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
df_sample = df[400:410]
colorscale = [[0, '#4d004c'],[.5, '#f2e5ff'],[1, '#ffffff']]
fig = ff.create_table(df_sample, colorscale=colorscale)
Custom Font Colors¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
text = [['Team', 'Rank'], ['A', 1], ['B', 2], ['C', 3], ['D', 4], ['E', 5], ['F', 6]]
colorscale = [[0, '#272D31'],[.5, '#ffffff'],[1, '#ffffff']]
font=['#FCFCFC', '#00EE00', '#008B00', '#004F00', '#660000', '#CD0000', '#FF3030']
fig = ff.create_table(text, colorscale=colorscale, font_colors=font)
Change Font Size¶
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
data_matrix = [['Country', 'Year', 'Population'],
['United States', 2000, 282200000],
['Canada', 2000, 27790000],
['United States', 2005, 295500000],
['Canada', 2005, 32310000],
['United States', 2010, 309000000],
['Canada', 2010, 34000000]]
fig = ff.create_table(data_matrix, index=True)
# Make text size larger
for i in range(len(fig.layout.annotations)):
fig.layout.annotations[i].font.size = 20
Tables with Graphs¶
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
# Add table data
table_data = [['Team', 'Wins', 'Losses', 'Ties'],
['Montréal<br>Canadiens', 18, 4, 0],
['Dallas Stars', 18, 5, 0],
['NY Rangers', 16, 5, 0],
['Boston<br>Bruins', 13, 8, 0],
['Chicago<br>Blackhawks', 13, 8, 0],
['LA Kings', 13, 8, 0],
['Ottawa<br>Senators', 12, 5, 0]]
# Initialize a figure with ff.create_table(table_data)
fig = ff.create_table(table_data, height_constant=60)
# Add graph data
teams = ['Montréal Canadiens', 'Dallas Stars', 'NY Rangers',
'Boston Bruins', 'Chicago Blackhawks', 'LA Kings', 'Ottawa Senators']
GFPG = [3.54, 3.48, 3.0, 3.27, 2.83, 2.45, 3.18]
GAPG = [2.17, 2.57, 2.0, 2.91, 2.57, 2.14, 2.77]
# Make traces for graph
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=teams, y=GFPG,
name='Goals For<br>Per Game',
xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2'))
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=teams, y=GAPG,
name='Goals Against<br>Per Game',
xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2'))
title_text = '2016 Hockey Stats',
margin = {'t':50, 'b':100},
xaxis = {'domain': [0, .5]},
xaxis2 = {'domain': [0.6, 1.]},
yaxis2 = {'anchor': 'x2', 'title': 'Goals'}
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
# Add table data
table_data = [['Team', 'Wins', 'Losses', 'Ties'],
['Montréal<br>Canadiens', 18, 4, 0],
['Dallas Stars', 18, 5, 0],
['NY Rangers', 16, 5, 0],
['Boston<br>Bruins', 13, 8, 0],
['Chicago<br>Blackhawks', 13, 8, 0],
['Ottawa<br>Senators', 12, 5, 0]]
# Initialize a fig with ff.create_table(table_data)
fig = ff.create_table(table_data, height_constant=60)
# Add graph data
teams = ['Montréal Canadiens', 'Dallas Stars', 'NY Rangers',
'Boston Bruins', 'Chicago Blackhawks', 'Ottawa Senators']
GFPG = [3.54, 3.48, 3.0, 3.27, 2.83, 3.18]
GAPG = [2.17, 2.57, 2.0, 2.91, 2.57, 2.77]
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=teams, y=GFPG, xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2',
name='Goals For<br>Per Game'))
fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=teams, y=GAPG, xaxis='x2', yaxis='y2',
name='Goals Against<br>Per Game'))
title_text = '2016 Hockey Stats',
height = 800,
margin = {'t':75, 'l':50},
yaxis = {'domain': [0, .45]},
xaxis2 = {'anchor': 'y2'},
yaxis2 = {'domain': [.6, 1], 'anchor': 'x2', 'title': 'Goals'}
For more info on ff.create_table()
, see the full function reference
What About Dash?¶
Dash is an open-source framework for building analytical applications, with no Javascript required, and it is tightly integrated with the Plotly graphing library.
Learn about how to install Dash at
Everywhere in this page that you see
, you can display the same figure in a Dash application by passing it to the figure
argument of the Graph
component from the built-in dash_core_components
package like this:
import plotly.graph_objects as go # or as px
fig = go.Figure() # or any Plotly Express function e.g.
# fig.add_trace( ... )
# fig.update_layout( ... )
from dash import Dash, dcc, html
app = Dash()
app.layout = html.Div([
app.run_server(debug=True, use_reloader=False) # Turn off reloader if inside Jupyter