low-level interface for displaying, reading and writing figures

to_image(fig[, format, width, height, …])

Convert a figure to a static image bytes string

write_image(fig, file[, format, scale, …])

Convert a figure to a static image and write it to a file or writeable object

to_json(fig[, validate, pretty, …])

Convert a figure to a JSON string representation

from_json(value[, output_type, …])

Construct a figure from a JSON string

read_json(file[, output_type, skip_invalid, …])

Construct a figure from the JSON contents of a local file or readable Python object

write_json(fig, file[, validate, pretty, …])

Convert a figure to JSON and write it to a file or writeable object


Singleton object containing the current figure templates (aka themes)

to_templated(fig[, skip])

Return a copy of a figure where all styling properties have been moved into the figure’s template.

to_html(fig[, config, auto_play, …])

Convert a figure to an HTML string representation.

write_html(fig, file[, config, auto_play, …])

Write a figure to an HTML file representation


Singleton object containing the current renderer configurations

show(fig[, renderer, validate])

Show a figure using either the default renderer(s) or the renderer(s) specified by the renderer argument