
plotly.figure_factory.create_ternary_contour(coordinates, values, pole_labels=['a', 'b', 'c'], width=500, height=500, ncontours=None, showscale=False, coloring=None, colorscale='Bluered', linecolor=None, title=None, interp_mode='ilr', showmarkers=False)

Ternary contour plot.

  • coordinates (list or ndarray) – Barycentric coordinates of shape (2, N) or (3, N) where N is the number of data points. The sum of the 3 coordinates is expected to be 1 for all data points.

  • values (array-like) – Data points of field to be represented as contours.

  • pole_labels (str, default ['a', 'b', 'c']) – Names of the three poles of the triangle.

  • width (int) – Figure width.

  • height (int) – Figure height.

  • ncontours (int or None) – Number of contours to display (determined automatically if None).

  • showscale (bool, default False) – If True, a colorbar showing the color scale is displayed.

  • coloring (None or 'lines') – How to display contour. Filled contours if None, lines if lines.

  • colorscale (None or str (Plotly colormap)) – colorscale of the contours.

  • linecolor (None or rgb color) – Color used for lines. colorscale has to be set to None, otherwise line colors are determined from colorscale.

  • title (str or None) – Title of ternary plot

  • interp_mode ('ilr' (default) or 'cartesian') – Defines how data are interpolated to compute contours. If ‘irl’, ILR (Isometric Log-Ratio) of compositional data is performed. If ‘cartesian’, contours are determined in Cartesian space.

  • showmarkers (bool, default False) – If True, markers corresponding to input compositional points are superimposed on contours, using the same colorscale.


Example 1: ternary contour plot with filled contours

>>> import plotly.figure_factory as ff
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # Define coordinates
>>> a, b = np.mgrid[0:1:20j, 0:1:20j]
>>> mask = a + b <= 1
>>> a = a[mask].ravel()
>>> b = b[mask].ravel()
>>> c = 1 - a - b
>>> # Values to be displayed as contours
>>> z = a * b * c
>>> fig = ff.create_ternary_contour(np.stack((a, b, c)), z)

It is also possible to give only two barycentric coordinates for each point, since the sum of the three coordinates is one:

>>> fig = ff.create_ternary_contour(np.stack((a, b)), z)

Example 2: ternary contour plot with line contours

>>> fig = ff.create_ternary_contour(np.stack((a, b, c)), z, coloring='lines')

Example 3: customize number of contours

>>> fig = ff.create_ternary_contour(np.stack((a, b, c)), z, ncontours=8)

Example 4: superimpose contour plot and original data as markers

>>> fig = ff.create_ternary_contour(np.stack((a, b, c)), z, coloring='lines',
...                                 showmarkers=True)

Example 5: customize title and pole labels

>>> fig = ff.create_ternary_contour(np.stack((a, b, c)), z,
...                                 title='Ternary plot',
...                                 pole_labels=['clay', 'quartz', 'fledspar'])